Full Length Research Paper
This study focused on the challenges of teaching and learning of English Language as a second language in Nigeria secondary schools (a case study of selected secondary schools inAnkpa Local Government Area of Kogi State). The study was guided by two research objectives and they sought to determine the extent teaching strategies adopted by teachers militate against the study of English Language; and to ascertain the extent mother tongue militate against the study of English Language among secondary school students in Ankpa Local Government Area of Kogi State. The study adopted survey research design. The population of the study is made up of teachers and students from 10 Public Secondary Schools in Ankpa Education Zone, 10% respondents were sampled for the study using random sampling techniques. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Mean rating was used for data analysis. The study revealed, among others, that shortage of specialist English Language teachers is the main challenge of teaching and learning of English Language as a second language to a great extent in secondary school in Ankpa Education Zone of Kogi State. The study therefore recommended that, government should endeavour to employ specialist teachers for the teaching of English language in secondary schools and government should try and conduct oral interview on teachers before employing them.
Keywords: Teaching, Learning, English language and English as a second language.
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