This paper deals with the new administration system under Gojjame rules and the Oromo people resistance to them in Abbay Choman, South of Abbay River from 1850 to 1882. The year 1850’s was a turning point in the history of the Oromo of Abbay Choman Oromo because it was a period when the system was transformed into a semi- monarchical administration. On the other hand, the year 1882 was the period when Horro Guduru in general and Abbay Choman in particular came under Ethiopian feudal rulers. This paper focused on reconstructing the political structure of Oromo of Abbay Choman from 1850 to 1882. The main objective of this paper is to show the indigenous administration system of the Oromo area before Gojjame invasion and emergence of new system of government with new chiefs, at the expense of the indigenous system under Gojjame rule. The paper also shows the local resistance against Gojjame army from 1870 to 1882. The paper comes up with the idea that the Gojjame invasion of the area resulted to the whole destruction of Oromo people indigenous practice. Since historical methodology requires extensive collection, closer investigation and analysis of the available primary and secondary sources, the paper seriously took those into account in treating the new Gojjame rule and the Oromo resistance in Abbay Choman, North East Wallaga, Oromiya, Ethiopia from 1850 to 1882. The study used and explored both primary and secondary sources. For the paper, both published and unpublished works of scholars of diverse background had been identified.
Key words: Abbay Choman, Oromo, New Gojjame, Gojjame rule, Oromo resistance.
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