August 2020
Factors associated with child’s comorbid diarrhea and pneumonia in rural Democratic Republic of the Congo
Diarrhea and pneumonia are leading killers of the world’s youngest children. The toll is highly concentrated in the most disadvantaged children from 15 high-burden countries. The present research reports the factors associated with the comorbidity of the two killer diseases in the context of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), one of the 15 countries suffering the most from the blights. This analysis of...
August 2020
Determinants of pre-cervical cancer among women visiting Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Ethiopia: A case control study
Cervical cancer is the most common and lethal form of cancer occurring among women of sub- Saharan Africa and Ethiopia. Despite its wider occurrence, cervical cancer is preventable and curable if it is diagnosed and treated in its pre-cancerous stage. Recognizing the risk factors associated with pre- cervical cancer lesion is important to design appropriate strategies for prevention of cervical cancer. However, studies...