Full Length Research Paper
Bone loss associated with skeletal trauma or metabolic diseases often require bone grafting. The present study aimed to evaluate the performance of bioactive glass-chitosan composite (BG-CH) produced by a freeze-drying process. BG containing 17% wt% CH was implanted in the femoral condyl of an ovariectomised rat. The resected bone was prepared for analysis using several physico-chemical techniques such as fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX). After 2 weeks, the implanted sample gave a spectrum in which two pronounced absorption bands with the maxima at 932 and 1036 cm-1 arising from (Si-O-Si) groups disappeared 15 days after surgery. These bands were replaced 30 days after implantation by 601 and 564 cm-1(P- O) arisen form bone apatite bands. After 4 weeks, peaks at 31.6 and 25.8° (2θ) were registered thus inducing a degradation of BG-CH which occurred simultaneously with the implant replacement by the bone cells. Our data showed that the incorporation of 17% wt% CH with BG matrix promoted a highly significant bioactivity and generated an osteoinductive property. These effects might make BG-CH an effective biomaterials choice for the biomedical field.
Key words: Chitosan-glasses, biominiralisation, osteoinductivity, biomedical applications, bone defect healing.
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