Full Length Research Paper
The pattern of azoles resistance-related proteins expression in Candida albicans may clarify the mechanism of drug resistance and identify new targets for treatment of Candida infection. We identified proteins differentially expressed in strains between fluconazole-sensitive (CA-3) and resistant (CA-16) C. albicans. Both strains were from the same parent. Proteins were analyzed using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and differentially expressed proteins were identified through matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The resulting data were searched against a C. albicans protein database. Fifteen proteins were differentially expressed in the fluconazole-resistant C. albicansstrain CA-16. Five C. albicans strain (Adh1p, Ynk1p, Cqr1p, Pst3p, and Rdi1p) were up-regulated and ten C. albicans strain (Aco1p, Acs2p, Asn1p, Fum11p, Cdc19p, Bat21p, Srb1p, Ifr2p, Dut1p, and Rps21p) were down-regulated. The fluconazole resistance-related proteins ofC. albicans are mainly involved in energy metabolism and amino acid synthesis.
Key word: Candida albicans, fluconazole, resistance, proteomics.
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