African Journal of
Pharmacy and Pharmacology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0816
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJPP
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 2298

Table of Content: August 2010; 4(8)

August 2010

Xanthine oxidase and uric acid response to a 6-week pre-season training programme in male athletes

This study was carried out to determine the influence of a 6-week pre-season exercise programme including aerobic and anaerobic loads on xanthine oxidase and uric acid levels of male athletes. Fifty voluntary subjects ( the average age is 23 ± 5)  participated in this study as study a group. The control group included 30 healthy resting male volunteers with the average age of 23 ± 6. For 6 weeks,...

Author(s): Ali Tekin

August 2010

Medicinal properties of Commiphora gileadensis

Commiphora gileadensis is a plant that was cultivated in ancient times in the land of Israel, particularly in the oases of the Dead Sea Basin — Ein Gedi and Jericho. The plant, also known as balsam, was renowned for the expensive perfume that was produced from it, as well as for exceptional medicinal properties that were attributed to its sap, wood, bark, and seeds. This article presents the historical...

Author(s): David Iluz,, Miri Hoffman, Nechama Gilboa-Garber and Zohar Amar

August 2010

Thermo-chemical investigation and NBO analysis of some anxileotic as Nano- drugs

Extensive quantum chemical calculations have been carried out to investigate the thermochemical properties as well as IR vibrational frequencies of different 1,4-benzodiapazine derivatives, namely, lorazepam, temazepam and oxazepam. Indeed, the obtained theoretical results clarified the interpretation of biological stabilities of these compounds. In order to evaluate and suggest the optimum method and basis set,...

Author(s): M. Monajjemi , B. Honaparvar, B. Khalili Hadad, A. R. Ilkhani and F. Mollaamin

August 2010

Phytochemical and antimicrobial screening of the aqueous extract of Cassia arereh Del. stem-bark

The phytochemical constituents and antimicrobial properties of the aqueous extract of Cassia arereh stem-bark were evaluated. The extract was subjected to qualitative chemical screening of active chemical constituents and disc diffusion method was performed to determine the antimicrobial properties. The results revealed the presence of tannins, phlobatannins, carbohydrate, saponin, flvonoids, terpenes and...

Author(s): S. I. Ngulde, S. Sanni, U. K. Sandabe and D. Sani

August 2010

Effect of essential oil of Chromoleana odorata (Asteraceae) from Ivory Coast, on cyclooxygenase function of prostagladin-H synthase activity

Aqueous extracts of Chromoleana odorata are commonly used in traditional medicine as anti inflammatory drug against pains or as cataplasm to stop hemorrhage in Ivory Coast. In this work, we want to test the volatiles as essential oil extracted from the fresh leaves of C. odorata, on the cyclooxygenase function of prostaglandin-H synthase (PGHS), a protein implicated in the inflammatory process. Our...

Author(s): G. Bedi, Z. F. Tonzibo, K. R. Oussou, C. Choppard, J. P. Mahy and T. Y. N’Guessan

August 2010

Effect of Butea monosperma (Lamk.)Taub. (Palas papra) fruit on blood glucose and lipid profiles of normal and diabetic human volunteers

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Butea monosperma(Lamk.)Taub on blood glucose and lipid profiles in normal and diabetic human volunteers. This study indicated a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in 2 h post- prandial blood glucose (mg/dl) on 21st day in the diabetic subgroups treated with 2 g (194.2 ± 27.01 vs. 172.2 ± 20.37) and 3 g (203.0 ± 19.49 vs. 165.7 ± 48.83)...

Author(s): Muhammad Shoaib Akhtar, Fizza Naeem, Faqir Muhammad and Nighat Bhatty

August 2010

Medicinal plants of Azerbaijan flora used in the treatment of certain diseases

During investigations conducted within two years (2007 - 2009) 30 natural cenopopulations that were found, confirmed medicinal plants that can be used in the treatment of pediatric diseases. It was systematically studied life forms and distribution of 50 families, 94 genera and 97 species of medicinal plants widely spread in Azerbaijan flora which are used in the treatment of pediatric diseases. It was...

Author(s): S. J. Ibadullayeva, S. E. Mamedova, Z. R. Sultanova, N. V. Movsumova and I. A. Jafarli

August 2010

A novel pentacyclic triterpene glycoside from a resin of Commiphora glandulosa from Botswana

A novel ursane-type pentacyclic triterpene glycoside, 1b,2b,3b-trihydoxy-urs-12-ene-23-oic-rhamnoside was isolated from the resin of Commiphora glandulosaSchinz by bioassay guided fractionation. Crude aqueous and chloroform extracts of the resin as well as the isolated compound exhibited good in vitro antibacterial activity against gram positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis: NCTC 10073), (Clostridium...

Author(s): Daniel Motlhanka, Peter Houghton, Ana Miljkovic-Brake and Solomon Habtemariam

August 2010

Formulations of sustained release metformin hydrochloride tablet using combination of lipophilic waxes by melt granulation technique

Metformin hydrochloride is recommended globally as first line therapy due to its favorable profile on morbidity and mortality associated with type-2 diabetes mellitus. However, limitations of multiple dosing and risk of triggering gastrointestinal symptoms make its dose optimization difficult. The present study was designed to develop the oral sustained release metformin hydrochloride tablet formulation using lipophilic...

Author(s): Kamlesh Jayantilal Wadher, Rajendra Baliram Kakde and Milind Janrao Umekar

August 2010

Isolation of piperdine from Piper nigrum and its antiproliferative activity

Many plant-derived molecules have shown a promising effect in therapeutics. Among the plants investigated to date, one showing enormous potential is the Piperaceae. The present study aimed to extract the phytochemical compounds in different solvent system in Piper longum, Piper nigrum and Piper cubeba as well as testing their antibacterial and antitumour activity. HPTLC analysis of P. nigrumsample showed...

Author(s): S. K. Reshmi, E. Sathya and P. Suganya Devi