June 2008
Molecular analysis and phenotype characterization of the progeny of two antisense potato plants
Two transgenic potato lines csr2-1 and csr4-8, containing two different antisense constructs, csr2 and csr4, respectively, were crossed to investigate the possibility of achieving double transformants with combined effects of the two antisense transgenes on plant phenotypes and cellulose deposition. Molecular analysis revealed an expected segregation ratio of 1:1:1:1 of the four classes. Phenotype...
June 2008
Forest vegetation patterns along an altitudinal gradient in sub-alpine zone of west Himalaya, India
The present study describes vegetation diversity along an altitudinal gradient in three sites of sub-alpine forests. The altitude of the study sites ranged from 2800 - 3600 m asl and represented a transition from closed canopy temperate forests to open canopy sub-alpine forests. The results revealed that from low to high altitude strata, size and density of trees decline sharply. The density of sapling and seedling...
June 2008
Edaphic factors and survival of a red mangrove species (Rhizophora mangle) in two mangrove swamp soils
The effects of two Niger Delta Mangrove Swamp Soils on growth and growth components of Rhizophora mangle were studied. The mud flats had higher manganese, organic carbon, lower sodium, higher phosphorus, lower pH and no sand particle compared with peaty clays. The mud flats also had very low cation exchange capacity (CEC) and these qualities affected adversely the plant height, survival,...