The concept of equality is a concept shaped as a result of economic, legal, political, and sociological debates throughout human history. The concept of equality in the modern age; Its content has been enriched with principles such as equality of opportunity, political, racial, social and economic equality, and equality between men and women, and has become a superior value. Many researchers define equality as "a moral and social ideal, the situation in which people have the same position and value as each other in terms of having the same human nature." In other words, equality is the principle that states that "people are equal to each other and therefore no discrimination should be made between people”. For this reason, this research aims to provide a general perspective to researchers by compiling studies on equality of opportunity in education. As a result, the concept of equality is generally defined as opportunity which means It is a widely accepted principle in many countries that is considered equality. The education system plays an important role in the implementation of this principle. Providing equal educational resources to all individuals or equalizing the educational achievements of individuals is accepted as a universal right to education.
Key word: Equality, education, opportunities.