Full Length Research Paper
Persons with special needs have innate abilities and when properly harnessed through proper education would be able to contribute ultimately to their development as well as that of the society they reside in terms of political, social, economic and technological development. Before such group of persons can be properly educated there is the dire need for the resolve of some ethical and legal issues. This paper therefore, chronicles the genesis of legal issues and milestones on the education of persons with special needs before Nigeria’s independence in 1960 and present date. Attempts were also made to examine some ethical issues, legal issues and problems which arose during the evolution of legal framework on the education of persons with special needs in Nigeria. Finally, suggestions were made to solve these problems to enable persons with special needs have access to appropriate education, ultimately improve themselves and contribute to the political, economic and technological development of the society they reside.
Key words: Impaired, Nigeria, International labour Organization.
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