How to cite this article
Egılmez, H. O., & Engur, D. (2017). An analysis of students’ self-efficacy and motivation in piano, based on different variables and the reasons for their failure. Educational Research and Reviews, 12(3), 155-163.
Chicago /
Hatıce Onuray Egılmez and Doruk Engur. "An analysis of students’ self-efficacy and motivation in piano, based on different variables and the reasons for their failure." Educational Research and Reviews 12, no. 3 (2017): 155-163.
Hatıce Onuray Egılmez and Doruk Engur. "An analysis of students’ self-efficacy and motivation in piano, based on different variables and the reasons for their failure." Educational Research and Reviews 12.3 (2017): 155-163.