How to cite this article
Wompakeah, M-M., Chirani, F., & Azuah, S.C. (2023). Teacher placement and its impact on students’ performance: The perception of teachers at Junior High Schools of the Kassena/Nankana Municipality. Educational Research and Reviews, 18(11), 363-372.
Chicago /
Mary-Magdalene Wompakeah, Flora Chirani and Scholastica W Azuah
. "Teacher placement and its impact on students’ performance: The perception of teachers at Junior High Schools of the Kassena/Nankana Municipality." Educational Research and Reviews 18, no. 11 (2023): 363-372.
Mary-Magdalene Wompakeah, Flora Chirani and Scholastica W Azuah
. "Teacher placement and its impact on students’ performance: The perception of teachers at Junior High Schools of the Kassena/Nankana Municipality." Educational Research and Reviews 18.11 (2023): 363-372.