Academic libraries are the most essential parts of any educational institution. Libraries are critical to the higher education system's academic excellence. The deployment of ICT in educational institutions has recently increased dramatically. Artificial intelligence transforms academic libraries into dynamic, cutting-edge solutions, facilitates scholarly publications among research communities, and enhances search efficiency. The system utilizes an application programming interface to deliver personalized resource recommendations, automating basic library tasks to improve user accessibility through more accurate search results and predictive collection development. The paper has delved into contemporary tools and techniques for integrating artificial intelligence into academic libraries to deliver high-quality services to library users. These modern techniques and mechanisms facilitate simple access to scholarly scientific literature. For scholars and researchers, the AI system will make bibliographic items more enthusiastically visualized. The AI system will enhance academic integrity and enable libraries to adapt to the opportunities and challenges it presents. However, the system will create a dynamic information and knowledge hub for aggregating metadata from several well-known repositories.
Key words: Aritificial intelligence, academic library, lens, OpenAlex, semantic scholar, and Carrot2.