Full Length Research Paper
Bradford’s law is about scattering of literature in different information sources on a narrow subject. The present paper aims at analysing the research output performance of botany literature. Citation analysis of all the journal articles published in the Botany literature was covered in Web of Science (on-line version database) for the period of 2005-2014. A total of 12051 references were cited in 1183 articles in 572 journals. The study elaborates on various bibliometric components such as distribution of citations for document type, language wise distribution of citations, and country wise publication of citations. Further, the study also lists the most productivity journals in the field of Botany Literature. The analysis of the results show that out of 12051 citations, research articles (61.96%) contribute the highest number of citations and it is the most preferred sources of information used by researchers in the field of botany. The USA is the most cited country in the world and the English language is the most preferred language in the world. Bradford’s law well fitted into the given data set for the present study. Finally, it can be concluded that, the significant research activity is taking place in the area of botany and it is one of the emerging research field in the biological sciences.
Key words: Botany literature, citation analysis, journal ranking, Bradford’s law of scattering.
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