Full Length Research Paper
Information use pattern is one of the important areas in user studies. The motives of users give rise to information needs and requirements. To quench the thirst for information, users adopt numerous ways and means to access the various channels of information. Research on the study of information needs and information gathering habits of a particular community will assist an information center more effectively in developing programmes and making optimum use of resources. The studies on the information needs of a particular institution user groups are aimed at improving the performance of an institution information system, so as to provide the better information services. Information seeking behaviour studies are potentially useful in bridging the gap between the kind of information services needed, the kind of information which exists, and how information services should be used. Studies reported in the review of literature reveal that different types of user populations used different study techniques depending on the subject. This study is an attempt to understand the user needs and information seeking behaviour of the faculty of Sri Sarada College for Women in Salem.
Key words: Information needs, information seeking behaviour, library resources.
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