The study aimed at assessing factors influencing the profitability of rabbit farming in Nakuru, Kiambu and Nyeri Counties of Kenya. Structured questionnaires were used to obtain information from 459 farmers from the three counties. Two-stage least squares (2SLS) regression model and descriptives were used to analyze data. Comparison of means showed that the mean difference between rabbit and non-rabbit keepers for age, education, household size, gender, distance to market, group membership and access to credit and extension was statistically significant. Age, household size, education in years, land size in acres, number of rabbits kept, group membership, extension access, credit access, wealth index and income were the main factors influencing gross margins. The study suggests awareness creation on importance of rabbit farming. In addition, Promotion of income diversification initiatives among rural farmers is necessary for improving their well-being and employment creation. Credit lending institutions should work towards providing affordable Key words:
Keywords: Profitability, rabbit, 2SLS, Kenya.