How to cite this article
Ari, M. M., Ayanwale, B. A., & Adama, T. Z. (2017). Evaluation of different processing methods of soya beans (Glycine max) on its nutritive value and the performance of broilers: A qualitative selection approach for extension. International Journal of Livestock Production, 8(7), 113-124.
Chicago /
Ari M. M., Ayanwale B. A. and Adama T. Z.. "Evaluation of different processing methods of soya beans (Glycine max) on its nutritive value and the performance of broilers: A qualitative selection approach for extension." International Journal of Livestock Production 8, no. 7 (2017): 113-124.
Ari M. M., Ayanwale B. A. and Adama T. Z.. "Evaluation of different processing methods of soya beans (Glycine max) on its nutritive value and the performance of broilers: A qualitative selection approach for extension." International Journal of Livestock Production 8.7 (2017): 113-124.