Childbearing women and infants in developing countries continue to experience unacceptably high rates of mortality and morbidity in spite of targeted initiatives to address the issue. The level of skilled assistance a pregnant woman receives during childbirth has important health consequences for both mother and baby. This study was carried out to assess the knowledge of traditional birth attendants (TBAs) in maternal and infants health care services in semi-urban local government areas in Ibadan. A descriptive cross sectional survey design was used and the target population was 452 TBAs. 212 TBAs being the number that met the inclusion criteria were purposively selected. Snowball sampling procedure was used to reach the TBAs who met the inclusion criteria. The instrument for data collection was a-researcher developed interview guide. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages and inferential statistics of Pearson’s chi square to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance The result showed that majority of the TBAs in semi-urban local government areas in Ibadan lack adequate knowledge of signs of complications of pregnancy but adequate knowledge of signs that show that a woman is in labour and demonstrated inadequate knowledge of types of care that should be rendered to the new-born child immediately after birth. Findings revealed the need to ensure TBA/SBA collaborations which could improve both community links to the formal health system and the quality of care provided to less privileged rural dwellers, while remaining consistent with making skilled maternal health care services more accessible, affordable and available to all pregnant women especially the vulnerable rural dwellers.
Keywords: Knowledge, Pregnancy, Childbirth, Neonatal Care, Traditional Birth Attendant.