July 2020
Adolescents and marijuana: Its prevalence, underpinning causes, effects and implications on the next generation
It is customarily challenging and fruitless to prevent young adults and teens from drug experimentation. Yet, the onset of marijuana or cannabis use by school-age young adults and teens could be delayed with holistic interventions that aim at involving stakeholders (that is schools, families, agencies, media, etc.). The objective of this review was to sum-up continental comparative data on the prevalence of cannabis or...
July 2020
Adolescents’ perception of the impact of condom use on sexual behaviours: Evidence from Ghana, a developing country
Adolescence is a critical stage in human life. Adolescents’ perception of the impact of condom use on sexual behaviour has been studied in developed countries. However, not much is known about this phenomenon in Ghana. The study investigates the perception of adolescents regarding the impact of condom use on sexual behaviours. Simple random and stratified sampling techniques were employed to select the study...
July 2020
Stigma and self-efficacy as predictors of intention to seek help among American and Japanese college students
The aim of this study was to examine how people within individualistic and collectivistic cultures differ in their intentions to seek professional mental health help. As such, it was crucial to examine possible predictors of intention to seek help for mental health issues. We explored the cultural differences between American and Japanese students and their intentions to seek help from mental health professionals. A...
July 2020
Psychological distress as a predictor of quality of life among selected Filipino school personnel
This study examined the possible relationship and predictive impact of psychological distress on the quality of life among school personnel. 112 personnel employed in a private school in Caloocan City, Philippines, who participated in the study and completed the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS 21) and World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) survey. The occurrence of severe to extremely severe level...
July 2020
Reliability Generalization (RG) of the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS)
Due to an increased usage of college counseling centers in the treatment of mental health concerns, it is imperative that centers implement appropriate assessments of psychological symptoms. We examined the Counseling Center Assessment of Psychological Symptoms (CCAPS), which was designed as a routine instrument to assess a range of mental health symptoms. Proper assessment and reporting of reliability are essential...
July 2020
Learning and/or “Cure� The notion of learning context in the health ambit
Mental health is not the object of study of only one discipline, but of different fields of knowledge including anthropology. If it is considered that (1) mental illness is related to learning and (2) learning happens in a relational context between the subject and his/her environment, it is possible to assume that a change in the context could mean changes in the subject’s health. Therefore, an approximation to...