International Journal of
Psychology and Counselling

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Psychol. Couns.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2499
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPC
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 223

Table of Content: May 2014; 6(5)

May 2014

Sexual education of institutionalized minors

This research analyzes the common sexual characteristics of the minors who pass part-time or full-time courses in the institution. There is a possibility to implant programs of sexual education in schools which serve children from home with their parents present, and whose parents and teachers could act together to develop their sexuality, bringing a better integration of the children, when they become adults in the...

Author(s): Calixto V. and Frossard P.

May 2014

The intellectual property of women as it relates to the role of Sabina Spielrein in the lives and works of 20th century male psychologists

The research and publications of Carl Jung (1875 to 1961), Sigmund Freud (1856 to 1939), Jean Piaget (1896 to 1980), Lev Vygotsky (1896 to 1934), and Alexander Luria (1902 to 1977) are well known in psychology and education. But who inspired some of the ideas, theories, and research of these noted scientists of the 20th century? The answer is Sabina Spielrein. Spielrein knew these men intimately. She was the first...

Author(s): Aldridge J.

May 2014

A study of seeking guidance and support coping strategy of cancer patients

This study on seeking guidance and support coping strategy was conducted with 120 cancer patients of Lok Nayak Jay Prakash Hospital, New Delhi. The study was based on 2×2×2 factorial design experiment with two conditions of mode of treatment (chemotherapy and surgery), two types of extroversion (extrovert and introvert), and two types of neuroticism (emotionally stable and emotionally unstable). Thus, there...

Author(s): Govind Singh Kushwaha