International Journal of
Psychology and Counselling

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Psychol. Couns.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2499
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPC
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 223

Table of Content: October-December 2021; 13(4)

October 2021

Coming-out in Body Integrity Dysphoria

The term body integrity dysphoria (BID) describes a discrepancy between the actual anatomical body constitution and the mentally represented body of a physically impaired person, which is often experienced as chronically dysphoric as well as the resulting desire of the affected person to have a (permanent) physical impairment (amputation, paralysis, etc.) in order to complement their own “true” identity. In...

Author(s): Maya Berger, Aglaja Stirn and Erich Kasten  

October 2021

Cross-cultural adaptation of an intimate partner violence screening tool (WAST) for the Mozambican context; implications for more effective HIV prevention and treatment counseling

This article aims to translate and implement the cross-cultural adaptation of the WAST - Woman Abuse Screening Tool, designed in English and used to track violence by an intimate partner. For adaptation, the conceptual equivalence of terms and semantics between the original version in English and the version translated into Portuguese was evaluated, the result of two translations and back-translation, discussion by a...

Author(s): Joaquim S. Matavel, Khátia Munguambe, Debra Rose Wilson, Osvaldo Loquiha and James G. Linn,

October 2021

10th year of Syrian civil war: Schooling and psychosocial issues of syrian children in Turkey

Various studies claim that war has devastating effects on the psychological well-being of its victims. Such conflicts destroy not only cities and their infrastructure but also the established systems; such as the schooling system. In the wake of such destruction, millions of children are displaced and find themselves apart from their homes and their schools. Their attempts at accommodating themselves with the host...

Author(s): Abdullah Aktas and Sefa Bulut