How to cite this article
Lahitte, H. B., & Bacigalupe, M. A. (2020). Learning and/or “Cure� The notion of learning context in the health ambit. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, 12(3), 97-104.
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H&ector B. Lahitte and Mar&ia de los A. Bacigalupe
. "Learning and/or “Cure� The notion of learning context in the health ambit." International Journal of Psychology and Counselling 12, no. 3 (2020): 97-104.
H&ector B. Lahitte and Mar&ia de los A. Bacigalupe
. "Learning and/or “Cure� The notion of learning context in the health ambit." International Journal of Psychology and Counselling 12.3 (2020): 97-104.