Full Length Research Paper
This work focuses on the design and implementation of an electrostatic lens system to produce high-intensity, low-energy ion beams, by means of numerical simulation of the beam trajectories (SIMION 7). The lens design was optimized using the simulation data obtained with a performance characteristics of the electrostatic lens system. This lens system maintains good beam focal quality for the deceleration of heavy ion beams of argon ions of with space charge of 10 mA. The beam emittance and beam diameter as a function of the gap width for a decel voltage of 45 kv of a deceleration lens system for a singly charged argon ion trajectories were investigated. A gap width of 5 mm and a tube diameter of 26 mm were found to be the minimum values. Also, a minimum of 24 mm of inner tube diameter was obtained for the relation between the inner tube diameter and the beam diameter. Beam emittance and beam diameter as a function of the focusing points for a decel voltage of 45 kv of a deceleration lens system for a singly charged argon ion trajectories was studied. A minimum of 455 mm was obtained at the outer exit of the deceleration lens system. While for the beam diameter, a minimum of 460 mm was deduced. It was found also that, a minimum of Vdecel = 43 kV, deceleration voltage was obtained for the relation between the deceleration voltage and beam emittance. Also, a minimum of Vdecel = 49 kV was found for the relation between the decelration voltage and beam diameter.
Key words: Deceleration lens system and decel voltage, SIMION computer program, Beam emittance and beam radius.
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