Full Length Research Paper
Fading is commonly used to describe the properties of the communication channel. Large efforts have been made to describe characteristics of the channel in wireless communication system. The performance of wireless signal propagation in a conventional environment needs Doppler fading channel schemes by assuming a perfect knowledge about the channel frequency response at both the transmitter and the receiver sides. Two models were used to depict the characteristics of Doppler fading channel in term of source velocity, where the first is free space transmission model consists of two antennas at a given distance (r) to calculate the received signal strength for transmission links at relative motion between the transmitter and receiver antennas. The second model is simulation based on Matlab (2013B) to compute and plot the received signal envelope taking into account the source velocity over the multipath fading. The analysis and employing the information of Doppler fading can enhance the characteristics of channel estimation.
Key words: Doppler, fading, frequency, receiver, transmitter.
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