Full Length Research Paper
Lately, the applications to structural and mechanical systems are extensively reported using new approaches such as fuzzy, neural network, genetic algorism, etc. Under the earthquake hazard, many retrofitting ways of construction were contributed to the study. This study was done to investigate the characteristics of wing-wall to be used on retrofitting some damaged buildings during the earthquake. It included two main parts: Firstly, one specimen was made with a single column, according to ACI-code with 20 × 20 cm section, 135 cm in length, 8 - 4# main bars and #3 size hoops, which are the main observation parts. In another, one set added wings to each side of the main column with a 10 cm thickness and width as 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm specimens, while another set with a 15 cm thickness and width as 10 and 20 cm specimens were made to find out how the thickness and width of these wings were influenced. Two higher concrete compressive strength specimens were made to find out how the concrete strength influences the specimen. In another, two specimens with higher steel ratio (ρ) were made to see the influence of the steel ratio on the specimen. Secondly, the characteristics of materials theoretically analyzed were used reasonably in finding the test results that simulated the construction elements under the attack of earthquake. The model characteristic of wing-wall, the effective height factor (K) of wing-wall, the relationship between the width of wing-wall and the width of column are found in this study. Finally, good agreements were obtained from these test results and the theoretical analysis. This shows that the study is reliable. Consequently, the wing-wall to be used on retrofit damage constructions is accommodation.
Key words: Wing-wall, retrofit, effective factor, fuzzy, neural network, genetic algorism.
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