Full Length Research Paper
The study focuses on the thermo-hygro-mechanical characterization of prismatic samples compressed earth specimens (CECs). Firstly, various sampling sites were located in order to identify them. Thus, the 4 × 4 × 16 cm3 specimens were used for the mechanical tests and the absorption test. In addition, 4 × 5 × 8 cm3 specimens were used for the thermal test. The wood ash content was varied from 0 to 12% of the total dry mix mass. The results of the absorption test showed that the addition of wood ash to the mix enhanced the degree of absorptivity of the test specimens. However, the results of the thermal test showed that thermal conductivity, thermal effusivity, and thermal diffusivity decreased with the percentage of wood ash. Similarly, the results of the mechanical properties test showed that flexural strength and compressive strength decreased with the addition of more than 4% wood ash to the mix.
Key words: Mechanical properties, soils, thermal conductivity, thermal effusivity, thermal diffusivity, capillary absorption.
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