International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 16 October; 7(39)

October 2012

Monitoring of the genetic algorithm operators in application to the GaAs0.7Sb0.3/GaAs single quantum well nanostructure

  In this work we investigated some new aspects of a recently introduced hybrid method which was a combination of Genetic algorithm, Monte Carlo integration schema and variational method. We also added some new features to the method in order to reduce the computational costs. Now we have introduced the biased Genetic Monte Carlo Variational (BGMV). With the help of different components of the method like...

Author(s): Solaimani Mehdi, Izadifard Morteza, H. Arabshahi and Sarkardei Mohammad Reza

October 2012

Causal analysis and calculation of the steam turbine efficiency of a thermal power plant

  After a presentation of the functionality of steam turbines of thermal power plants, we present the method of enthalpy difference used for the calculation of the steam turbine efficiency. This is why we present a stratification survey by circuit, by equipment and by organ. The objective is to determine the possible reasons for the deterioration of the heat rate of a thermal power plant at the level of a steam...

Author(s): M. N. Lakhoua

October 2012

An alternative approach for unsupervised cluster based image retrieval

  In this research, we proposed an alternative method to retrieve images from its clusters which is determined by its color histogram. In other approach, it is called cluster based image retrieval model. One common problem with conventional content based image retrieval (CBIR) system is that the output data contains too many non-relevant feedbacks due to the indistinct symmetry of semantic gap. In this paper,...

Author(s): P. Pattanasethanon and B. Attachoo

October 2012

An adaptive neuro-fuzzy digital filter

  This work describes the neural net as identification process, considering an adaptation that adjusts the parameters in dynamical form using a proportional condition. Neural nets have problems when the weight gains are dynamically modified in a specific environment with stochastic smooth conditions adjusting in some sense in accordance with a reference signal. This output and identification error has...

Author(s): Juan Carlos García I., José de Jesús Medel J. and Juan Carlos Sánchez G.

October 2012

Research on indoor positioning algorithm based on powerline

  In this research, the basic principle of data acquisition based on powerline is introduced.Probabilistic neural network (PNN) is applied to indoor location system aiming at environment of strong noise indoor and the reason of PNN applied to indoor location system based on powerline is discussed in detail. According to characteristics of transmitted signal by powerline, the signal is...

Author(s): Huang Danping, and Wan Qun