International Journal of
Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Water Res. Environ. Eng.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6613
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJWREE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 351

Table of Content: January-March, 2022; 14(1)

February 2022

Hydro-environmental impact of Khor Arbaat Dam, Eastern Sudan

To improve water supply services in Port Sudan City (Sudan), a dam with storage capacity of 16 Mm3 was established at the upper gorge of the Khor Arbaat catchment area, which generates runoff that contributes to the sedimentation of the dam at an average rate of about 6% annually. At present (2021), the storage capacity of the dam is reduced by 69% of its original design capacity. Without interventions, the dam is...

Author(s): Hamid Omer Ali  

March 2022

Supplying drinking water to rural households through trickle fill and decentralized cisterns

Many rural households do not have access to treated drinking water. However, some households may be in regions where a water treatment plant has excess capacity to supply some additional households. In such circumstances, small diameter low-pressure supply systems can be connected to major transmission lines to give these households access to water. These typically occur in locations that do not belong to recognized...

Author(s): Aaron Janzen, Gopal Achari, Samantha Irwin and Mohammed Dore  

March 2022

Effect of acidic rainfalls on soil erosion in gypsum formation

One of the most important effects of acidic rainfall is on the soil. It can affect other environments such as surface water and groundwater, plants and animals. In this study, to investigate the sensitivity of the runoff and sediment production of Gachsaran Gypsum Formation to acidic rainfalls and its density change, parts of Gypsum Mountain watershed the area in Izeh Township in Khuzestan province was selected with the...

Author(s): Hamzeh Saeediyan, Hamid Reza Moradi, Sadat Feiznia and Nader Bahramifar