Journal of
Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Agric. Biotech. Sustain. Dev.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2340
  • DOI: 10.5897/JABSD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 144

Article in Press

Effects of Fertilization Experiment by Liquid of Anaerobic Fermentation from Livestock Field on Soil Properties and Plant Nutrition.

Lin Yong-Hong

  •  Received: 18 December 2021
  •  Accepted: 17 February 2022
The liquid of anaerobic fermentation from Livestock (LAFL) can supply nutrients for plants such as mineral salts, humus and amino acids. Therefore, it should be beneficial to the growth of crops if it can be used as fertilizer. The experiment was seperated to the areas of LAFL and fertilization of chemical fertilizer (CK) for ten kinds of crops. The results showed that the organic matter content and plant nitrogen content in the experimental area of LAFL irrigation were slightly higher than those in the control area. The phosphorus and potassium content in the soil and the phosphorus and potassium concentration in the plant are similar to the control area. The content of calcium and magnesium in the soil after 5 months vary according to different crops. It may be probably the different requirements of ten crops for calcium and magnesium during growth periods, resulting in varying concentration of calcium and magnesium in plants. The concentration of magnesium also varies with different crops. In addition, the content of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in the soil of the LAFL area were all lower which should be the lower content of trace elements in the LAFL. The phenomenon was also manifested in the concentration of ten crops. The concentration of iron, manganese, copper and zinc in the ten plants generally decreased than the CK after 5 months. The concentration of sodium (Na) concentration in the soil of LAFL and CK before and after the test were all below 250 mg kg-1, indicating that the fertilization of LAFL did not significantly increase the soil Na content and cause soil salinization. There were no significant increment of Na in 10 crops after 5 months of experiment.

Keywords: circular economy, friendly environment, soil properties, plant nutrition, salt damage.