Journal of
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Agric. Ext. Rural Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2170
  • DOI: 10.5897/JAERD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 489

Table of Content: October-December 2023; 15(4)

October 2023

Groundnut market participation in Zimbabwe: A case of Makoni District

Groundnut production and marketing contribute substantially to food and nutrition, livestock feed, soil fertility amendment, and income diversification for the majority of poor smallholder farmers in rural Zimbabwe. However, one of the challenging issues affecting the benefits from groundnut farming continues to be the low market involvement of smallholder farmers. Research on the factors preventing smallholder farmers...

Author(s): Newettie Jambo, Juliet Vimbiso Matsekete, Timothy Manyise, Freddy Ruzhani and Faustino Madzokere  

November 2023

Renewable energy and Mechanisation in the smallholder sector: Experiences from Wedza e-mobility pilot study

Transport is often overlooked as a challenge to agriculture and agricultural value chains in development projects, despite the fact that one of the identified factors that could potentially accelerate mechanization in the smallholder sector is the provision of efficient and affordable transport. Women farmers bear the burden of manual work and reduced rural mobility disproportionately, as they spend a higher proportion...

Author(s): Dorah Mwenye and Shantha Bloemen  

November 2023

Farmers’ perceptions towards the implementation of agroecological practices for enhancing food availability in Singida Rural District

This paper delves into the global drive to promote agroecological practices, which have been widely acknowledged for their diverse economic, social, and environmental benefits. Yet, a critical gap persists in our understanding on the impact of these practices on food availability from the perspective of farmers. Our study focuses on farmers' perceptions regarding the role of agroecological practices in enhancing...

Author(s): Sauda Mbwiga Kanjanja and Devotha Baltazary Mosha