May 2013
Earnings management and performance of French IPO companies
In this paper, we examine the impact of discretionary current accruals on the performance of French IPO companies. We first note income-increasing earnings management in the first year as a public company and not in the year before the IPO (Initial Public Offerings). Based on a sample of 139 French IPOs over the period 1999 to 2007, including 38 failures, we also document that companies associated with aggressive...
May 2013
The evaluation of the investment environment in the industrial activity in Jordan
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the investment environment in Jordan from the perceptions of the workers in the industrial activity. Data was collected by a questionnaire which depended on five aspects; namely; economic infrastructure, the characteristics of the Jordanian economic environment, labor force, industrial free zones and the Jordan Investment Board and the promotion policies. 70 questionnaires were...