Full Length Research Paper
The body of information surrounding molecular and genomic experiments and clinical investigations is rapidly growing. Bioinformatics tools are software programs that are designed for extracting the meaningful information from the mass of molecular biology/biological databases and carry out sequence or structural analysis. Analytical tool for inherited disease (ATID) is a classification database that can hold the complete available information about the inherited diseases. Our designed tool is a set of search programs for the windows platform and is used to perform fast searches for comparison of nucleotide sequences, mutation identification and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). Also protein sequences can be searched to find a match against the queried protein sequence. The information comprises their clinical phenotypes, causes and type of disease. Designed software has the ability to classify the disease based on the comparison of given affected individual information (phenotypic and genotypic) with existing information. We analyzed fake data as well as individual’s original data on our tool by comparing that with the existing information. That was easy to use and also analyzed results within few seconds. The ATID windows application is designated to solve the problem of extracting the information about the inherited diseases in a fast and simple way. The designed tool can be modified for other diseases as well in future or a single database on the same pattern can be developed comprising of multiple diseases for phenotypic as well as molecular profiling.
Key words: Inherited disease, analytical tool for inherited diseases, bioinformatics, tools.
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