Journal of
Development and Agricultural Economics

  • Abbreviation: J. Dev. Agric. Econ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9774
  • DOI: 10.5897/JDAE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 558

Table of Content: 26 October 2011; 3(12)

October 2011

Impact of risk attitudes on poverty level among rural farmers in Ogun State

This study examined the impact of risk attitudes on poverty level among rural farmers in Ogun state. Data used were generated from a farm survey involving 120 farmers randomly selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Analytical tools used include descriptive, risk behavioural model (safety-first principle), Foster-Greer-Thorbecke (FGT) model and Probit model. The findings revealed that majority of the responding...

Author(s): Ajijola S., O. A. Egbetokun and I. E. Ogunbayo

October 2011

Determinants of informal savings amongst vegetable farmers in North West Region, Cameroon

The study was aimed at determining the socio-economic determinants of informal savings amongst vegetable farmers in the North West Region of Cameroon. Savings and savings mobilization in any economy is undertaken by formal, semi formal and informal institutions. Possibly as a result of this poor bank distribution, one is able to clearly see how the region is highly dominated by the informal sector. Data for the study...

Author(s): Bime MJ and Mbanasor J

October 2011

Efficiency of the plantain marketing system in Ghana: A co-integration analysis

The study assesses the efficiency of the plantain marketing system in Ghana using monthly wholesale prices in GHS/10 kg covering the period 2004 to 2009. The integration among the plantain markets was tested with the Johansen multivariate co-integration analysis and error correction model. The markets chosen for the study are Accra market as a central consumption market; Kumasi market, Sunyani market and Koforidua...

Author(s): Akwasi Mensah - Bonsu, Akua Agyeiwaa-Afrane and John K. M. Kuwornu

October 2011

Agricultural adjustment in flood-prone areas in Comilla of Bangladesh: A geographical study

This paper focuses on agricultural adjustment inclination in flood-prone areas in Comilla, Bangladesh. The study’s area is located in a tropical and rivers’ oriented developing country in Southeast Asia. It has a huge potential of agricultural activities, such as fertile soils of deltaic plains, vast rainfall of monsoon climate, and available labors. On the other hand, natural hazards, for examples, floods,...

Author(s): Asib Ahmed