October 2015
Assessment of innovative market access options for banana value chain in Uganda
Smallholder banana farmers depend almost entirely on fresh banana for their livelihoods in Uganda. Similarly, other banana value chain (BVC) actors specialize in the trade of the fresh fruit for income and employment. Therefore, improving the efficiency of market access options in Uganda’s banana sub-sector is one way that banana value chain actors can benefit through the sale of their banana products. In order to...
October 2015
Root and tuber expansion programme and poverty reduction among farmers in Southwest Nigeria
This paper evaluates the ex post impact of farmers’ adoption of Root and Tubers Expansion Program (RTEP) on yield, crop income and poverty in rural Nigeria by means of primary data collected from 161 households in 3 local government areas in South West Nigeria. Using FGT poverty measures and propensity score matching techniques the study found that poverty incidence is higher by about 23% among non beneficiaries...
October 2015
Economic Determinants of the Performance of Public Irrigation Schemes in Kenya
The study aimed at establishing the determinants of public irrigation scheme performance in Kenya and give policy recommendations using panel fixed effect regression model. The results indicated that, the size of land under irrigation had a significant (at 1%) and positive effect on the performance of public irrigation scheme. Similarly, per acre operations and maintenance cost that was collected in the scheme had a...
October 2015
The effect of roll back malaria programme on farmers productivity in Benue State, Nigeria
The study analyzed the effect of Roll Back Malaria Programme (RBM) on farmer’s productivity in Benue State of Nigeria. Roll Back Malaria Programme is a global framework for coordinated action against malaria. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used in selecting 206 respondents from six Local Governments Areas. Data was collected with the aid of well structured questionnaires. The Cobb-Douglas stochastic...
October 2015
The status of food availability in the face of climate change and variability in Choke Mountain Watersheds, Central Ethiopia
Food insecurity is an integral part of poverty in Ethiopia owing to agricultural production to be less able to adapt to climate change. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the status of food availability in the face of climate change and variability in Choke Mountain Watersheds, Central Ethiopia. For this purpose structured household questionnaire, Key Informant Interview, Group discussion and field...