Full Length Research Paper
The prevalence of dentoalveolar fracture is usually seen among children and adolescents boys, 3 times more than girls that is due to its etiology, namely road traffic accident (minor accident), child abuse, and fall from high or epileptic seizures. It may occur as an isolated clinical entity or in conjunction with any other bone fracture. Bone adhesive to hold these fractures would be of great benefit. Recently N2 butylcyanoacrylate is being clinically used with minimal complications. The study is aimed at evaluating the efficacy of N2 butylcyanoacrylate adhesive material in the fixation of dentoalveolar mandibular fractures. 6 adults mongrel dogs 12 to 24 months old, weighting 9 to13 kg on average were used in this study. Dogs were anesthetized. A full mucoperiosteal flaps were raised on the premolar area; two vertical 1 cm osteotomies were carried out mesial and distal joined with a horizontal one. Few drops of N2-Butylcyanoacrylate (N2BCA) Histoacryl were applied to fix the fracture; on the left side the fractures were fixed conventionally with circumdental wire. Suturing is done on both sides. Despite of the slow healing rate at the N2BCA site both groups showed an uneventful healing that is free of inflammation and displacement. Both methods showed similar results; we claim that N2 butylcyanoacrylate is an alternative to circumdental wiring in fixation of dentoalvolar fractures.
Key words: Dentoalveolar fracture, adhesives, dogs.
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