Full Length Research Paper
This study was carried out to evaluate toxicological effects of methomyl at low concentration level with respect to some biochemical parameters (acetylcholinesterase [AChE], alkaline phasphates [ALP], glutamic-pyrovic transaminase [GPT], glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase [GOT] and glutathion-S-transferase [GST]) and histopathological changes of treated rats organs (kidney and liver). Furthermore, to evaluate the efficacy of different remediation techniques (advanced oxidation processes [AOPs] and bioremediation) for removing the tested insecticide in aquatic system. The tested insecticide at dose level of 10 mg kg-1 induced significant toxicity against the treated rats relative to control with respect to biochemical parameters and histopathological changes in treated rats. Photo-Fenton like reagent was the most effective chemical remediation treatment for methomyl removal in aquatic system followed by than Fe3+/UV, H2O2/UV, Fe3+/H2O2 and UV only systems, respectively. Bioremediation of methomyl using Pseudomonas sp. (EB20) isolate removed 77% of its initial concentration. This study concluded that, methomyl at the tested concentration level in water is expected to induce side effects on human health. Bioremediation using Pseudomonas sp. (EB20) can be regarded as a safe remediation technology of methomyl in drinking water. However the photo-Fenton like reagent would be more preferable as effective treatment of methomyl in wastewater.
Key words: Methomyl, residues, toxicity, remediation.
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