Full Length Research Paper
Steel is one of the most important commodities in the engineering world due to its usefulness and availability. Its application is wider than any other metal, ranging from domestic use in the forms of utensils and many more to its use in construction and manufacturing industries. The wide range of application of steel in engineering practices has prompted the desire to increase certain mechanical properties to meet engineering requirements through heat treatment. In this work, samples of the specimen were purchased at a local market and the spectrometry analysis was carried out. The steel samples were machined into required shape, heat-treated and cooled under different immersion speeds. The effects of immersion speeds on the mechanical properties (hardness, % elongation, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and yield strength) and microstructure of the quenched AISI 1020 were investigated. The result obtained revealed an improvement in the mechanical properties of the materials at different immersion speed.
Key words: Heat treatment, mechanical properties, microstructure, AISI 1020.
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