The main concepts, land management system, and governance have been discussed to aid the research process. The aim is to find out the connection between urban land management and good governance concepts. The success of land management requires government input as a guide to sustainable development. Ensuring good governance principles in land management will help promote economic development, reduce poverty in society, protect land and natural resources, improve public services, and prevent land conflict. In contrast, poor governance of land management leads to corruption, fosters arbitrariness, discourages competition, and leads to the misallocation of limited resources. A qualified land management system must therefore be guaranteed. Urban land management in most developing countries faces many problems due to the lack of a clear urban land policy, lack of resources, lack of qualified/competent staff, lack of institutional capacity, negligence, mismanagement, and multiple land Tenure systems. To carry out the evaluation, it is necessary to develop the evaluation framework, which consists of a set of principles and indicators of good governance extracted from existing governance indices and frameworks. Finally, the indicators for each principle were formulated based on the existing governance indicators.
Key words: Good governance, land governance, land management.
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