Journal of
Horticulture and Forestry

  • Abbreviation: J. Hortic. For.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9782
  • DOI: 10.5897/JHF
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 316

Table of Content: April-June 2021; 13(2)

May 2021

The lupeol content in Machaerium species by HPLC-APCI-MS/MS and the allelopathic action

The use of extracts from plants and/or allelopathic compounds from natural products can minimize the use of pesticides in agriculture. This is a chemical study of Machaerium eriocarpum branch extract and the evaluation of the allelopathic potential of Machaerium hirtum (Vell.) Stellfed and M. eriocarpum Benth (Fabaceae) leaves and branches extracts. The triterpene lupeol was isolated from the hydroethanolic extract of...

Author(s): Luciana Sayuri Tahira, Robson Akito Tino, Charlyana Carvalho Bento, Marcelo Marucci Pereira Tangerina, Luiz Fernando Rolim de Almeida, Danilo Miralha Franco, Ângela Lúcia Bagnatori Sartori and Miriam Sannomiya  

June 2021

Physiological quality of African eggplant seeds as influenced by natural fermentation and drying methods

Seed extraction and drying methods are important procedures employed after harvesting fruits of African eggplant as these methods affect the seed quality. This study sought to evaluate the seed physiological quality of two cultivars of African eggplant subjected to various durations of natural fermentation and different drying methods. In the first study, fruits were fermented for 0, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h before seed...

Author(s): Hillary Mireku Botey, Julius Onyango Ochuodho, Lucas Ngode, Eric Owusu Danquah and Richard Agyare R.  

June 2021

Evaluation of selected multipurpose tree species and moisture conservation structures for degraded dryland rehabilitation in Dugda Dawa District, Southern Ethiopia

Land degradation affecting the livelihoods of people living in dryland areas, particularly the Sub-Saharan Africa countries like Ethiopia. Degraded land rehabilitation in dryland is a challenging task due to moisture limitation. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of soil and water conservation structures on growth of planted tree and rehabilitation of indigenous plant species in West Guji Zone, Dugda Dawa...

Author(s): Siraj Kelil, Sisay Taye, Desta Negeyo, Feyisa Seboka, Hayleyesus Agonafer, Tadessa Negash and Bultu Kusa