Journal of
Law and Conflict Resolution

  • Abbreviation: J. Law Conflict. Resolut
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9804
  • DOI: 10.5897/JLCR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 102

Table of Content: May 2011; 3(5)

May 2011

Democracy for the few: How local governments empower cops at citizens’ expense

This article shows how political elites empower police officers at the expense of those they purport to serve. In the process, the actions of political elites and police officers serve to weaken democracy rather than strengthen it, thus undermining the widely promulgated ideal that the United States government is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Key words: Police officers,...

Author(s): Judson L. Jeffries

May 2011

Factors influencing job satisfaction of banking sector employees in Chennai, India.

The term job satisfaction has been conceptualized in many ways. Job satisfaction focuses on all the feelings that an individual has about his/her job. It has been assumed by organizational behavior research that individuals who express high satisfaction in their jobs are likely to be more productive, have higher involvement and are less likely to resign than employees with less satisfaction. It has been already studied...

Author(s): K. R. Sowmya and N. Panchanatham