Journal of
Law and Conflict Resolution

  • Abbreviation: J. Law Conflict. Resolut
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9804
  • DOI: 10.5897/JLCR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 103

Table of Content: May 2014; 6(2)

May 2014

Code of conduct tribunal proceedings and related constitutional issues

Servants of the public are themselves masters of themselves. The striking paradox of consequence of corruption has placed a high degree of proof on public officers who retain the level of fairness that match with the degree of the onus. The issue of corruption is not restricted to the dark hallways of government offices but officers who are under duty to enhance the society have rendered in tatters the entire sacrosanct...

Author(s): Aigbokhan E. President

May 2014

Determinants of jurisdiction in arbitral proceedings for construction contract dispute resolution in Nigeria.

Well known to construction industry contracts are disputes such as unresolved claims and are inimical to achieving project objectives. This has attracted provision of dispute resolution clause in contractual agreements such as Arbitration clause aimed at resolving any emerging dispute. However, the issue of challenge of jurisdiction (powers) of the arbitrator(s) remains a reoccurring determination in Nigeria courts....

Author(s): OJO, Ademola Eyitope

May 2014

Essential elements of human rights in Buddhism

Broadly speaking elements and principles of human rights are incorporated in teachings of the most religions of the world including Buddhism. Notion of a right is very much there in Buddhism. The elements incorporated in social message of Buddha are part and parcel of modern day principles of human Rights incorporated in many international declarations, covenants, protocols and constitutions of most of the countries of...

Author(s): Uttamkumars Bagde