Journal of
Media and Communication Studies

  • Abbreviation: J. Media Commun. Stud.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2545
  • DOI: 10.5897/JMCS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 234


Literature review of sexual reproductive health campaign messages: What are the milestones and potential research topics within the Kenyan context?

Bernice Ndegi Gatere
  • Bernice Ndegi Gatere
  • Department of Communication Studies, School of Human Resource Development, Moi University, Kenya.
  • Google Scholar
Charles Ongondo
  • Charles Ongondo
  • Department of Communication Studies, School of Human Resource Development, Moi University, Kenya.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 15 August 2019
  •  Accepted: 25 September 2019
  •  Published: 31 October 2019


This paper presents a literature review of the sexual reproductive health campaign messages and highlights the milestones in the existing literature. The review begins with definition of health campaign messages and other key concepts. The subject is then situated within the discipline of communication studies particularly within the branch of health communication. A review of relevant theories follows after which previous research on health campaign messages is highlighted. The paper concludes by pointing out the potential areas of further research on the subject of health campaign messages in Kenya. This paper highlights the key concerns cited among the literature to demonstrate the milestones achieved in sexual reproductive health issues and identifies gaps in research to underscore the need, within a uniquely Kenyan context, for subsequent studies.


Key words: Communication studies, Health communication, Health campaign messages, Kenyan sexual reproductive health.