Full Length Research Paper
This paper is an investigation on the impact of public sector reforms on service delivery in Tanzania. The main question was to what extent the public sector reforms has contributed or inhibited service delivery. The question was considered imperative to conduct a systematic inquiry in this area. The paper was guided by three objectives and instrumental questions towards the achievement of its findings. The questions were identification of reforms that have been effected, an assessment on its impact on service delivery and finally identification of challenges that affect implementation of reforms. Review of documentary information relevant to the subject matter was made. To compliment on secondary information the author administered questionnaires to sampled respondents. Observation method was also adopted. Data was qualitatively analyzed. Also descriptive approach was used for primary data. The paper concludes that, public sector reforms in local authorities for improved service delivery in Tanzania in general have had many positive results despite a few challenges. Findings justifies that, currently the contribution of public sector reforms in local authorities has significant impact. Findings were in agreement with the literature that reforms are necessary for improved service delivery. However, the implementation came with challenges that needed to be addressed for fruition, enjoyment and cerebration on results of reforms. The areas that need a special attention include the existing legal frame work aiming at addressing corruption and other unethical conducts and training are the issues this paper recommends.
Key words: Public sector reforms, service delivery and challenges
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