Full Length Research Paper
A study was conducted at Northwestern Ethiopia, during 2010 main cropping season. Fifteen maize genotypes were evaluated at four locations that differ in soil type, altitude and mean annual rainfall. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Stability parameters that are useful tools for identification of genotypes with specific and wide adaptations, and contrasting the role played by genotype, environment and G x E interaction in multilocational variety trials were considered and analyzed. The highly significant G x E interactions indicated that genotypes performance was inconsistent across testing locations and need to be tested in several locations in order to select stable genotypes. Jibat-851, Wonchi and BHQPY-545 exhibited high mean grain yield across environments and average responsiveness with high degree of stability indicating general adaptability and thus can be recommended for north western Amhara region and for areas with similar environments. The best genotype with respect to location Adet was Gibe-1 while Wonchi was the best genotype for Merawi area. Phb-3253 performed well at Motta, while Phb-30G19 and Jibat-851 performed well at Finoteselam. Therefore, these genotypes can be recommended according to their specific adaptation area.
Key words: Genotype by environment interactions, grain yield, maize, stability |
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