Full Length Research Paper
The present study aimed to compare the self-confidence and decision making abilities between psychology and physical education students. A total of eighty (N = 80) male subjects participated; forty (N = 40) psychology students and forty (N = 40) physical education students from various affiliated colleges of Panjab University, Chandigarh were randomly selected for the collection of data. The age of the subjects ranged between 19 to 25 years. Self-confidence was measured by applying self-confidence questionnaire and decision making was measured by applying decision making questionnaire. The “t” test was applied to find out the difference between mean scores of psychology and physical education students. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The results revealed significant difference with regard to variable self-confidence between psychology and physical education students. However, the results with regard to the variable decision making were found statistically significant between psychology and physical education students. Physical education students have better self-confidence and decision making level as compared to their counterpart psychology students.
Key words: Self-confidence, decision making, psychology, physical education.
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