April 2013
Epidemiological model of influenza a (H1N1) transmission in Ashanti Region of Ghana, 2012
The pandemic potential of influenza A (H1N1) has required decision makers to act in the face of uncertainties. A deterministic susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered model was developed to study the spread of H1N1 using population data from the Ashanti region of Ghana. We assumed the population to be constant with birth rate equals death rate and they interact freely (homogeneous mixing). We determined the equilibria...
April 2013
Prevalence of vaginitis and vaginosis among University of Calabar female students
The prevalence of vaginosis and vaginitis among the female students of the University of Calabar was studied between September and December, 2005. High vaginal swabs were collected from each respondent. Questionnaires were administered to the respondents and collected together with the specimen. A total of 1000 respondents aged between 15 and 35 years were examined. The survey revealed that 70% were infected with...
April 2013
Nosocomial outbreak of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 2010
On 14 September, 2010, a suspected case of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) was admitted in Holy Family Hospital (HFH). The case was confirmed on 20 September, 2010. The hospital had experienced loss of one intern due to CCHF in 2000s, a panic was created and the blood specimens of team taking care of index case (IC) was sent to reference laboratory for examination. On 28th September, all specimens...
April 2013
Knowledge and attitudes about induced abortions among female youths attending Naguru Teenage Information and Health Centre, Kampala, Uganda
This study aims to investigate unsafe abortion, which is more prevalent in low resource countries, contributes significantly to maternal morbidity and mortality. In Uganda, majority of patients treated for complications of induced abortion are adolescents and young, yet their knowledge and attitudes are understudied. In this paper we described the knowledge and attitudes of female youths about medical complications of...
April 2013
Impact of community health educators on the nutrition of children in Gaza province, Mozambique
Twenty six percent of children with protein-energy malnutrition live in Africa. This studydetermines whether Care Groups (CG) in collaboration with Community-based HealthEducators (CHE) help reduce malnutrition in children between 0 and 23 months of age. A total of 299 caregivers at baseline (2004) and 380 at follow-up (2007) were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Caregivers were between 12 and 49...
April 2013
Knowledge and preventive practices related to Avian influenza among livestock farmers and poultry traders in Ikorodu, Lagos state, Nigeria
The emergence of H5N1 led to increased global attention as the virus could potentially represent the source of the next human influenza pandemic. The disease has led to the loss of millions of birds which constitute a major source of animal protein. This study was therefore aimed at determining the knowledge and preventive practices related to Avian influenza among livestock keepers and poultry traders in Ikorodu, Lagos...
April 2013
Assessment of water quality and its effects on the health of residents of Jhunjhunu district, Rajasthan: A cross sectional study
Achieving efficient, effective and cost effective water purification methods for the community is the key to human survival and development, as water management is a current global concern. Water is the basic resource necessary for sustaining all human activities, so its provision in desired quantity and quality is of utmost importance. Water pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world,...