How to cite this article
Aguemon, B., Barikissou, G. D., Vikkey, H., Zonsiga, A., & Ayelo, P. (2021). Prevalence and factors associated with psychoactive drugs use among employees in 2019 in two companies in Cotonou, Benin. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 13(4), 233-243.
Chicago /
Badirou Aguemon, Barikissou Georgia Damien, Vikkey Hinson, Alex Zonsiga and Paul Ayelo. "Prevalence and factors associated with psychoactive drugs use among employees in 2019 in two companies in Cotonou, Benin." Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 13, no. 4 (2021): 233-243.
Badirou Aguemon, et al. "Prevalence and factors associated with psychoactive drugs use among employees in 2019 in two companies in Cotonou, Benin." Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 13.4 (2021): 233-243.