Full Length Research Paper
The present study was carried out to evaluate the gastric antisecretory and antiulcer activities of 'Cinnamon' Cinnamomum zeylanicum in rats. The aqueous suspension of cinnamon (250 and 500 mg/kg) has been screened using pylorus ligation (Shay) rat model, necrotizing agents and indomethacin-induced ulceration in rats. Histopathological assessment was done on gastric tissue of rats. Gastric wall mucus and nonprotein-sulfhydryl contents were also estimated. Cinnamon suspension pretreatment decreased the basal gastric acid secretion volume and rumenal ulceration in pylorus ligated rats. The suspension effectively inhibited gastric hemorrhagic lesions induced by 80% ethanol, 0.2 M sodium hydroxide, and 25% sodium chloride. The cinnamon suspension also showed antiulcer activity against indomethacin. Pretreatment with cinnamon suspension offered a dose-dependent protection against various histological indices. Treatment of rats with cinnamon replenished the ethanol-induced decreased levels of gastric wall mucus and nonprotein-sulfhydryl concentrations. The gastroprotection of cinnamon observed in the present study is attributed to its effect through inhibition of basal gastric secretion (attenuation of aggressive factors) and stimulation mucus secretion (potentiation of defensive factors); and increase in nonprotein-sulfhydryl concentration probably due to prostaglandin-inducing abilities mediated through its antioxidant property.
Key words: Cinnamon, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, gastric secretion, antiulcer, histopathological changes.
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