Full Length Research Paper
This research has a mint of importance in Pakistan where a major part of the economy is based on agricultural products. A survey was conducted in the Punjab province to evaluate the types and methods of storage and the pest attack on their storage and their control strategies as well. Questionnaire was designed to collect the information from the local people, gender, including students, landlords, house owners/housewives and farmers. Data indicated the use of chemicals for the control of the pests in their storage best. The most common storage facility is metallic bin. Pest which was reported by people was Red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum Herbst. Main seasons of attack of the pests are summer and rainy. Data gave a lot of other information about storage which can be helpful for further research on the local storage of grains, its pests and their control.
Key words: Tribolium castaneum, survey, chemicals, storage.
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