In Ethiopia, termites pose serious threat to a variety of agricultural crops, forestry, rangelands, houses and other wooden structures. Termite problem is particularly prevalent in the western part of the country, where it has persisted for many years and has received wide publicity. Termites appeared in the region for the first time in 1904 at a specific place called Bafano Koreche around Kiltu Kara town in West Wallaga zone. From there, they spread in different directions to other areas and termite problem has increased from time to time. The severity of termite destruction has become worse than ever in all the four zones western Oromia National Regional State (ONRS). Termites are also causing serious damages to pastureland in the semi-arid areas of Borna and Guji zones of southern ONRS threatening livestock production. By damaging crops, termites cause food insecurity and by damaging natural vegetation they cause denudation, accelerated erosion, and loss of biodiversity. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine the economic and environmental destruction termites pose in the rural areas of ONRS. Finally, the paper made concrete recommendations to government policy makers and land use professionals in their effort to mitigate the challenges.
Key words: Integrated management, soil erosion, termite pest, western Ethiopia.
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