Journal of
Soil Science and Environmental Management

  • Abbreviation: J. Soil Sci. Environ. Manage.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2391
  • DOI: 10.5897/JSSEM
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 315

Table of Content: March 2015; 6(3)

March 2015

Phosphorus sorption and external phosphorus requirements of ultisols and oxisols in Malawi

Oxisols and ultisols are the major soils of Malawi but the P sorption of these soils has not been studied intensively. As of now, in terms of P fertilizer application these soils are treated   the same. This research was conducted to determine the phosphate sorption properties and external P requirements (EPR) of these soils and to derive sorption values from selected soil properties. Physical and chemical analysis...

Author(s): Frank Mnthambala, James H. A. Maida, Max W. Lowole and Venon H. Kabambe

March 2015

Soil erosion constraints to sustainable crop production in central senetorial district of Zamfara, north-western Nigeria

Soil erosion is one of the challenges of Nigerian agriculture. The present study therefore aimed at surveying prevailing types of soil erosion in Central Senatorial District (Tsafe, Gusau, Bungudu and Maru Local Governments) of Zamfara State-Nigeria, their causes, effects and some measures adopted by farmers in soil and water conservation. Three district each from Gusau and Maru local governments were randomly selected...

Author(s): J. Garba and S. Dalhatu

March 2015

Use of soil amendments for urban horticulture in the savannah and forest areas of Ghana

The search for suitable alternatives to loam, manure and sand based growing media in Ghana has generated a substantial body of literature on potential amendments akin to the peat based media in developed countries. The objectives of this study were to review literature on potential soil amendments in Ghana, determine the reasons for farmer choice of amendments and determine factors influencing farmer adoption of these...

Author(s): A. H. Abubakari, L. Atuah, B. Banful and H. Bayor

March 2015

Assessment of smallholder farmers’ perceptions and degree of adoption of Tithonia diversifolia compost in addressing declining soil fertility in Ming’ongo Extension Planning Areas, Lilongwe, Malawi

A study was conducted to assess smallholder farmers’ perceptions and degree of adoption of Tithonia diversifolia chimato compost among the smallholder farmers in Ming’ongo Extension Planning Areas in Lilongwe. Primary data regarding smallholder farmers’ knowledge, perception and adoptions levels on making and using T. diversifolia chimato compost were collected through a questionnaire interview with...

Author(s): MLANGENI Noel Jekemu Thembachako Angstone